Acts 1:12-14

1 year ago

Verse 13 says that the other “disciples” (small “d”) joined the 11 main “Disciples” (capital “D”) in the Upper Room, after they had all returned to Jerusalem from Bethany.

It doesn’t indicate exactly how much time had passed since the Ascension, only that the main 11 Disciples – the leaders - were already there, waiting for them. They had “called the meeting”.

Even now, before His Church has officially begun, God is establishing His authority and order, which we see play out in more detail throughout the early Chapters of Acts.

It’s not inequality, which glorifies man. It’s anointing, which glorifies God.

And they all joyously participated.

“These all continued, with one mind, in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.” ~Acts 1:14

New Testament: Revised Geneva Translation

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