The 4 Tiers of Sustainment Part 2 / The Preppers Prayer

1 year ago

Here we discuss the Biblical approach to surviving S.H.T.F. We look closely at the definitions and qualifiers as to what makes up the 4 Tiers of Sustainment. I give you my testimony, A peek into the promise from God in Psalm 23. Plus this is something that can't be overstated and that is the 13 LIFE SKILLS ( see below ) that must be developed in order to survive S.H.T.F. Without these skill sets forget what you have in your Bug Out Bag. I hope this video encourages your heart and mind.

Links for the Lesson

Air Force Pamphlet 64-5 page 9. Called Aircrew Survival issued Sept 1 1985 and still available link below for $7.50

Amazon for 13 bucks.

Emergency War Surgery: The Survivalist's Medical Desk Reference Paperback

Google Drive link for the 4 Tiers of Sustainment Char, plus Outline TEST and Answer Key

Here are the 13 Life Skills you need to practice, develop and master for S.H.T.F day.

1. Deep and Profound Trust in God…not just a head knowledge of His existence but a genuine walk with Him whereby you actually talk to Him and seek His guidance.
Psalm 23 is not just a shepherds prayer but the PREPPERS prayer.

2. Shelter Making and selecting Shelter location ( Study the B.L.I.S.S method as discussed in the Air Force Pamphlet 64-5 page 9) Called Aircrew Survival issued Sept 1 1985

3. Navigation – along with that weather prediction.

4. Water procurement – also discussed in AF Pamphlet 64-5

5. Hunting – which will include butchering, trapping and tanning. I have an entire play list dedicated to Hunting.

6. Fishing – both passive and active. How do you catch fish you ask? IN the mouth.

7. First Aide and Herbal remedies. ( in an upcoming video I will be showing you my complete first aide TIER 4 system. )

8. Moving, Hoisting, Lifting ( otherwise known as CONVEYING ) Tools like pulleys, block and tackle, and a come-along. Using leverage and cant hooks.

9. Fire making - Already presented in THE PERFECT FIRE KIT VIDEO entitled Why Ferro Rods Suck.

10. Gardening – Forging – and of course what plants contain what specific nutrients. Also learning how to collect and make maple syrup….usually in March.

11. Mechanical engineering / which would include boat building, tool crafting, lashing and maintenance. Learn how to make pots from clay and of course bricks.

12. Food storing and preservation. This would include smoking, curing, canning and building a root cellar.

13. Self Defense – Which includes Camouflage, Concealment, Scouting and Tracking.

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