fuk Canada

1 year ago

Canada is 100% corrupt. Mexico and Ukraine are pillars of justice in comparison.

All politicians. All sitting members are guilty of crimes against humanity and all police and judges and lawyers who helped with Plandemic should be in jail for life.
Canada needs a mega jail to house 10 million inmates. They should all do life and hard labor to know and understand how it feels to have the shoe on the other foot

Fuck the police for always harrrasing and targeting the homeless bc low hanging fruit. While the rich do whatever they want. Fuxking cowards and bullies.
Ndp liberals and PC should all be locked up in Solitary confinement 23 hrs a day

This video ate my data. Pls shsre . Make this viral. I could use the help. This is fucking bullshit. Morals and values in Canada will be your end. You must be selfish and a terrible person. Fucking period .

Pls stop supporting the psychopath Elon the thief musk .Vangaurd Blackrock puppet . Fucking lie about Ai. Fuck him his ahit cars and his stipid plants with washrooms onky at the front of the plant near management. I would shit in the plant also. Stipid fuvking loser. Threatened to fire all personal who worked ftom home.
He is like most . Selfish loves attention thinks he is great whem he only steals ideas and work from others another fuckimg Edison. How ironic. Control power freak

Apple ahit
Microsoft shit
Tesla shit
Fox now no tucker

Especially amazon jeff benzo can go f it. Took consumers distributing from 1980s and started it again.

To all the dozen social workers thanks for nothing . Thanks for not helping Canadian as per your orders

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