Neo-Fascism - The Combination of State and Media Has Emerged

1 year ago

05/15/2023 Christopher Carter, Capitol Hill correspondent of Real American Voice: The dictator Mussolini said the Neo-Fascism would be the combination of the state and the media. That is what we're seeing now. This is through large publicly traded cable networks, CNN, and even Fox News. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/15/2023 《真正美国之声》国会山通讯员克里斯托弗·卡特:独裁者墨索里尼曾经说过,新的法西斯主义将会是国家和媒体的结合,而这正是我们现在所见到的情况。媒体的角色是由CNN和福克斯等大型上市有线电视网络扮演。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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