Make Delicious & Healthy Kombucha at Home for about $1 a Gallon!

1 year ago

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to show you how I make my very own delicious and healthy kombucha. Kombucha is a fermented tea drink that is packed with probiotics and other beneficial nutrients. It's easy to make at home, and much cheaper than buying it from the store.
First, you'll need a SCOBY, which stands for "symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast". You can either, buy one online, or get one from a friend who already makes kombucha. If you're starting from scratch, you can also make your own SCOBY by brewing sweetened tea and adding a bottle of store-bought kombucha as a starter.
Once you have your SCOBY, you'll need to brew some tea. I like to use organic green tea, but you can also use black tea, oolong tea, or a combination of different teas. Brew about 4 cups of tea and add 1 cup of sugar while the tea is still hot. Stir until the sugar dissolves, then let the tea cool to room temperature.
Next, add your SCOBY and some starter tea to the brewed tea. Starter tea is just some of the liquid from a previous batch of kombucha. If you don't have any starter tea, you can use store-bought kombucha as your starter instead. I have had very good results from using the Synergy brand of Gingerade Kombucha.
You then cover the jar with a clean breathable cloth or paper towel, and secure it with a rubber band. This will allow air to flow in and out of the jar while keeping bugs and dust out.
Now, all you have to do is wait! Leave the jar in a warm, dark place for about a week, then start tasting the kombucha. It should be slightly sweet and slightly sour. If it tastes too sweet, leave it to ferment for a few more days. If it tastes too sour, you can either drink it as is, or add some fruit juice or honey to sweeten it up.
Once the kombucha is ready, remove the SCOBY and some of the liquid to use as starter tea for your next batch. You can also store the SCOBY in a "SCOBY hotel", which is just a jar of sweetened tea and starter tea where the SCOBY can live until you're ready to use it again.
And there you have it! Homemade kombucha that's delicious and good for you. Experiment with different tea blends to find your favorite combination. However, do not add flavorings, fruit juices or herbal teas until after the Kombucha has been made. Thanks for watching, and happy brewing!

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~ H.H. Dalai Lama

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~ HH Dalai Lama

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