The Third Truth About 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov - Part 26 of 26

1 year ago

Part 26. The discussion about radiation effects and possible reactions by medical doctors
continues. Khalezov mentions that many people who suffer now from chronic radiation
sickness are now trying to sue the US Government, but they claim that the Government
did not properly inform them about the dangers of “asbestos dust”, “benzene”, or
anything else, except radiation. The interviewer asks if Khalezov believes that all of them
suffer from some form of radiation sickness. Khalezov replies that it is an apparent
chronic radiation sickness, because it was “ground zero”, after all, i.e. a place of a nuclear
explosion, and the people began to work there in the first few days, being totally
unprotected. At this point he again shows a page from the biggest pre-9/11 dictionary
defining ground zero as “the point on the surface of the earth or water directly below,
directly above, or at which an atomic or hydrogen bomb explodes”. The interviewer asks
how long would the vapors continue for? Khalezov answers the vapors would last as long
as it is hot inside the cavities. The interviewer asks if it could be a year? Khalezov
replies, that it seems that they would cool them down in about five or six months, because
some efforts were made to cool them down by pouring water inside the cavities. Asked if
such radioactive vapors would also affect Manhattan residents, in addition to the ground
zero responders, he answers that of course, they would, but it is known that all Manhattan
residents from dangerous areas were evacuated and not allowed to come back for at least
six months. Which is still short, in Khalezov’s opinion; he says that they should have
been away for at least two years, not just six months. The interviewer asks, if some of
these Manhattan residents inhale radioactive vapors and become sick, they would not go
to doctors that were specially appointed to treat ground zero responders. They would go,
instead, just to any doctor down the road. Would not it then occur to the innocent doctors
that something was wrong with the ground zero area because too many people with
similar symptoms were beginning to seek medical help? Khalezov replies that it is
unlikely. Because doctors are not necessarily specialists in nuclear explosions. What
doctors see are symptoms, they do not see the cause. Besides, the doctors also have some
internal instructions. Let’s say certain doctors received some circular where it is stated
that all people who live around ground zero were affected by asbestos dust. The doctors
would believe that circular. It is easy to cheat people, including doctors, Khalezov says.
The interviewer agrees. The discussion moves to the actual vapors that were visible even
from space and a satellite photograph is shown where plumes of vapor ascending from
ground zero on Manhattan are clearly visible. The interviewer stresses the point that in
his book Khalezov noticed that these were not black smoke, but vapors. Khalezov says
that of course, they were vapor because they were white. The interviewer refers to the
point that Khalezov observed in his book precisely the three hot places where the nuclear
charges were activated. Khalezov says that this particular spectrogram showing the three
hot spots under the WTC-1, 2 and 7 he referred to was found somewhere on the Internet
and it was not composed by him. However, when he compares that hot spots spectrogram
with the photograph by NOAA of September 23, 2001 (the one discussed in part 16), he
found out that the three hot spots exactly coincided with the three positions of the nuclear
charges that were used to demolish the Twin Towers and the WTC-7. In this video the
spectrogram is made half-transparent and placed on top of the NOAA photograph. And
indeed it is clear that the three hot spots on it perfectly coincide with the positions of the
three nuclear demolition charges described in parti 6. The interviewer asks once more if it
could only be nuclear devices that could create these hot spots? Khalezov’s answer is that
it is impossible to create such zones of high temperatures underground that would be
sustained for several months. Where else would you get such huge energy unless you use
a thermo-nuclear explosion of over 100 kiloton? The interviewer says he is glad that high
energy issue was mentioned, because he has a third-party report by some physicists who
also claim that it would not be possible to achieve this kind of effect regarding the WTC
destruction from the point of the energy required, unless nuclear explosions were used.
This confirms Khalezov’s claims, he said. Khalezov answers that yes, indeed, many 9/11
researchers independently arrived at the same conclusions as him with only one
difference: they needed to guess that it was nuclear explosions, while he did not need to
guess, because he knew it for certain from his former service. The interviewer says that
there is something else that makes Khalezov’s book unique. It is that he is going to name
in it the real perpetrator of 9/11. Khalezov confirms this. The interviewer tha nk s him for
the interview.


Here is a link to a zip-file with Dimitri's deposition in book-form and important related files:

In this video Dimitri Khalezov reveals who was actually behind the psyop of September 11, 2001:

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