The Third Truth About 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov - Part 22 of 26

1 year ago

Part 22. The discussion disproving the “planes” theory moves on. A virtually unknown
clip from the contemporary 9/11 NBC’s news release is inserted. The NBC news anchor
cites American Airlines as saying that it has identified its two planes that crashed into the
Twin Towers. The first of their planes was Flight 11. The second plane that crashed into
the Twin Towers was American Airlines Flight 77 (which clearly contradicts the later
official version according to which Flight 77 allegedly hit the Pentagon in Washington,
not the WTC South Tower in New York). Then the NBC news anchor continues to report
in regard to United Airlines. United Airlines says that its Flight 93 has crashed
somewhere in Pennsylvania, while United Flight 175 has also crashed, according to the
Airlines, but it does not say where it has crashed. NBC shows at that point the Pentagon’s
undamaged lawn after the attack - one of the earliest footages, before the Pentagon’s wall
had collapsed. What is interesting in that clip is that all lampposts are still standing (later
they will be toppled to imitate alleged “wings” of the “plane”). Another NBC
contemporary clip is inserted here that describes the Pentagon attack. The NBC’s reporter
on site cites an eye-witness as saying that he saw an “aircraft” slamming into the site of
the Pentagon and there were no marking at all on the side of the plane (while the
American Airlines Flight 77 that was later alleged to strike the Pentagon would have
distinct red-colored markings on its side that would be impossible to mistake with
anything else). Then the discussion moves on to the remaining two planes - Flights 77
and 93. Khalezov says that he believes the two planes were shot down by the US
Government in the panic that followed the 9/11 events. A contemporary 9/11 NBC clip is
inserted at that point were it is claimed that one of the Flight 93 passengers allegedly
called his wife from his mobile phone (a contemporary Motorola TAC AMPS mobile
phone is shown at that point by NBC to refer to what kind of phone was allegedly used in
that call) and informed her that the plane was hijacked and the passengers are now
preparing to tackle the hijackers. Khalezov comments on this point by explaining that a
mobile phone can only connect to a tower (a center of a mobile cell) within a maximum
of 2 kilometers distance. When a passenger aircraft flies at its cruise altitude (which is
over 8 kilometers) it is simply too far to reach any cellular network on the ground and it
is simply technically impossible to connect any mobile phone of this kind when on board
in order to make such a call as claimed. Khalezov then proceeds to explain that Flight 93
must have been shot down with cannons, not with a missile, because of the pattern of its
destruction. It was disintegrated while still in the air and it fell in many small pieces
covering a large area. Only a big explosion could cause a plane to be disintegrated in
such a manner, or, the only other way that the plane could have been cut in pieces would
have been by a rapid-firing gun that is installed on jet-fighters, in addition to missiles.
Moreover, Khalezov claims that it could only be a cannon, not a missile, because it is
impossible to shoot down your own plane using your own missile. All modem missiles
are designed to recognize the so-called IFF identification which is being constantly
transmitted by any and every friendly aircraft, and no missile could lock on its own plane,
due to this arrangement. It is technically impossible - to shoot your own plane using your
own missile. In order to shoot your own plane you have to use cannon, because it is
manual. And it seems that this was the case with Flight 93. Firstly, the pattern of its
destruction clearly points to the usage of cannons. Secondly, if you carefully review the
timetable of 9/11 events you will notice that one of the US jet-fighters sent to intercept
hijacked planes returned to its base with its entire cannon munitions spent. So far no one
has offered any plausible explanation as to why the cannon munitions were spent in that
case. This part of the presentation ends with a certain video clip with an apparent
Freudian slip of the tongue - where Donald Rumsfeld, the then Secretary of Defense,
talks about the plane “shot down over Pennsylvania”.

Here is a link to a zip-file with Dimitri's deposition in book-form and important related files:

Part 23 of 26:

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