Queer Theory explained

1 year ago

Queer Theory and Critical Race Theory are being taught in K-12 public school system across America. This is happening without parental consent. Biden administration and National Teachers Union approve.

This is not a "theory". This is a "conspiracy" against the children of America. The people and groups who have "conspired" together behind this ideology are Satanic worshipping Marxists that hate America and hate Christians.

I am a 53yo Lesbian and I am against any of this disgusting garbage being taught to children. We must protect the vulnerable impressionable children who are being victimized by these p3d0 child predator psychopaths. They are preying on a captured audience, the K-12 children that are forced to attend school. This is not nature. This is nurture. They are nurturing their deviant sexualized desired behavior onto the children while convincing the children to first keep secrets from their parents and then ultimately convincing the children to leave their parents.

The far-Left Commie segment of the LGBT community are doing exactly what they accuse Catholic priests of doing with children but worse they are sterilizing children and mutilating their healthy bodies causing lifelong permanent damage and pain.

I typed a transcript for you below:

Professor said, "There is a long correlation between anarchism and pedophilia and support for pedophilia.

Student shouts out as others grumble, "How about something relevant?"

Professor replied, "wait wait wait wait wait wait... that's a beautiful line and thank you so much for asking how about something relevant. I've been talking about rape culture all day and pedophilia and the support for pedophilia is not rape culture? Actually you're acting like this is a spurious connection. So we're going to play Jeopardy. We're going to play Queer Theory / Pedophilia Jeopardy.

Okay answer commonly called the Godfather of Queer Theory? Who is Foucault. 100 points.

Foucault. Another way to ask this is who argued, no I guess the answer would be who argued for the eradication of age of consent laws as in down to INFANTS? Who is Foucault.

Okay next one. The author of the founding document of Queer Theory? Who is Gayle Rubin.

What percentage, no the answer is 50%. Question is?

Student responds, "The amount in that article in defense of pedophilia, specifically "boy lovers" grown men who f*** boys.

Professor said, "And since you're not believing me quote this is in the founding documents of Queer Theory, "Like Communists and homosexuals of the 1950s, boy lovers are so stigmatized that it is difficult to find defenders of their civil liberties. Let alone for their erotic orientation." That's in the founding documents of Queer Theory. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm using facts.

Students applaud.

Professor said, "A thousand apologies. One must never let facts get in the way. Oh she also compared, by the way, she compared pedophilia to a preference for spicy food.

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