Illicit vs. "Legal" - Industry Impedes Real Entrpreneurial Intent

1 year ago

Illicit cannabis vs legal cannabis, well legal cannabis from the street I guess now and dispensary cannabis. POINT BEING, THE PEOPLE MADE THIS MARKET, INDUSTRY PREVENTS I UR GROWTH.
Industry is not doing what was promised by taxes in many cases, IE California had a reduction in legal pot sales for first time in over 20 years since 1999 in 2022. Not only is peicemail legalization, or rather industrialization causing industry to understand how to best screw over people with activity like lobbying for ultra high financial barriers to entry, $500,000 in Maryland. Peicemail legalization is also giving conservative politicians a leg to stand on claiming this "legalization" isnt working. 1st it isn't legalization, it's industrialization and those reductions in legal sales came came from the back door legal cannabis being diverted to the black market from California has nowhere to go as states become allowed to grow industrially. This is driving down street prices, and people know they can get the same weed on the street. Mr Sherbinski was illicit before legal, mendo Dope was illicit. Our people created this "industry".
Unfortunately, it began with proper intent, but even California is being inundated with the negativity of industrial culture in cannabis. myself, like mendo dope, like Mr sherbinski showed these industries in their youth to operate, they don't stay small. That would be ok, if they didnt actively prevent the people from being involved in any way besides working under an unfair capitalist system un like another. Cannabis THCa Diamondscost nore than gold by the ounce, yet extraction technician my position I held make $18/hour.
Why would we give up stacks for hourly wages when he millions are being hoarded, and the people hoarding it arr foghting fighting not allow real legalization.
Let the gov. Have their weed, but let the people who developed these genetics, who made this market alone to make real their entreneurial ambitions.

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