Open Eyes Ep. - "Depopulating The Moral To Repopulate The Immoral.”

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Dr. Robyn and the investigative team uncover the latest headlines you won’t see the mainstream media giving attention and focus.

This week the team brings to light the agenda that is woven through everything we see coming to the surface. They expose the latest on the United Nations and the push to legalize pedophilia worldwide, as well as the immigration crisis taking place on the Southern border and the thousands of children that are being trafficked for sex and labor work.

Developing stories are revealed coming straight out of DragCon 2023 and the push to influence the mind of the next generation to accept trans and sexualized self as the “new normal.” More gets exposed on the Church’s compromise and how it is starting to influence every facet of the Christian lifestyle. In her final words, Dr. Robyn reveals the intertwined agenda that the rulers of this world keep pushing for by 2035.

She charges us to get in the fight and go to war against the Kingdom Of Darkness. We must stand up and be counted before it’s too late!

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