Conversations on Health and Self-Image with Freddy and Russell Part 1

1 year ago

Welcome to our three-part series with Russell Cunningham on Health, Nutrition, Self-Image, and Weight Loss. Unlike traditional monologues or interviews, this series features a unique duologue format. Join us for a mutual conversation between two individuals, as we explore and share insights about various topics related to health and self-improvement.

In this first installment, we'll discuss key issues, including nutrition, weight loss, and self-image. The second part of the series has already been recorded and will be uploaded soon. We plan to upload each part a week or two apart, giving you time to reflect and apply our insights to your own life.

Our conversations will take place in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, where we share ideas and perspectives equally. Part three will be recorded in Russell's location, which will add a different flavor and tone to the series. This new format allows for a more engaging and natural exchange, with no single speaker dominating the conversation.

We hope you enjoy this series and learn something new. Stay tuned for more conversations on health and self-improvement in the future!

Connect with Russell and his work:


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