Pick Up your Mat (May 12, 2023)

1 year ago

Hello Trillium Truthers! In this video I share a word from the Lord that I received on May 12th 2023 at 6:09AM. There is a lot packed into this one so I begin this video session with a news report, followed by a reading of uplifting scripture from the book of Psalms and then I get into reading the word. I hope this belsses you and encourages and lifts up your hearts. Thank you and God Bless!

For the written and typed out copies of this reading please visit the Trillium Truth blog here: https://trilliumtruth.blogspot.com/2023/05/pick-up-your-mat.html

YouTube Version Here: https://youtu.be/zrJHPfC1WCw

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*Note: Intro music courtesy of https://www.bensound.com/. Thank you!

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