Oldhammer 2nd edi Rules | Blood Angels V Goffs | 28mm | Scenario 1 Against the odds | Wargaming 24

1 year ago

No, I am not trying to get in on some new craze where everyone has dumped the latest Great Satan ruleset and gone back to the basics.
I have for a very long time wanted to get back to playing 2nd Edi and have been having trouble convincing people to join me......honest.

I think I'm protesting to much......

A squad of Blood Angels must clear out the greenskins.
A group of Gretchin, backed up by a mob of Orks, are sniping at the Blood Angel bridgehead. Dont get beaten by the red humies..

Orks commanded by Me
Space Marines commanded by Dave
Ruleset: Warhammer 2nd Edi
Website link, NO, I am not linking to the Great Satan. I have principals.
Scale: 28mm / 1/58
Vehicles & Figs: Citadel Minatures

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