Receive the Joy of Waiting for the Right Moment

1 year ago

Acts 1:3-4b – After his suffering he presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God.

The Acts of the Apostles is part two of Luke’s Gospel. Here we follow the early disciples, primarily Peter and Paul, as they moved out in witness after Jesus’ ascension and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Today’s verse precedes all of that. The disciples, upon the instruction from the risen Christ, have stayed in Jerusalem. Jesus has appeared to them in many ways. Still, Jesus knows that it is time for him to ascend. He also knows that there is more that the Father has to give them. They, unfortunately are still stuck in their old mindsets of winning and restoration of power as the hallmarks of kingdoms. It will take the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to help them finally see what is real and durable. For now, Jesus asks them to wait on God’s timing for the fullness of God’s gifts to them. God still waits for the right moment in each of our lives in order to give us new gifts, insights, blessings and purpose. We may think we are ready and want all of it all at once. We want bounty today. We want filled sanctuaries today. We want complete understanding today.

What we often forget is that waiting too has a spiritual purpose. As we wait for what God will bring, we become more attuned to both God’s wisdom and also to what we have already been given. We have to have a little time to incorporate and appreciate before a new gift can be good for us and for the world. So today, open your heart. Take a look at the spaces that you want to be filled with more love, bounty, success, or joy. Look at that space and thank God that you are ready to receive when the time is right.

Prayer: God of Joy, we thank you for the gifts of waiting for your perfect timing of the blessings that you have for us. Help us to be ready and not to waste anything. Alleluia! Amen.

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