1 year ago


Intelligence Agencies are targeting Activists, Whistle Blowers & Dissidents, even real space groups, using Community Based Agents

CBA’s are the persons responsible for the organized stalking, gas lighting, etc., used against targeted individuals and which are almost always prior military, government, retired law-enforcement and so on. People who have some degree of expertise in the area of surveillance and counter-surveillance

CBA’s are used by the Shadow Government to target victims for training research and development in artificial super intelligence technologies. Try tracing them using their names back to the state register for private detectives, etc

Since ‘9-11’ each private detective, security consultant etc., has to register with each state registry they work in, even if temporary workers such as those under contract. Literally, overnight, several private detectives moved in right next to me and I was able to identify them and trace them back to the state register to determine who they worked for, namely, Kevin Fucich Inc.

These prior military, retired law-enforcement and so on have security clearances and they keep those  security clearances after they retire and that allows them to double dip collecting their pension while being paid under the table as a CBA to direct the paradigm of torture & assassination against Targeted Individuals

Using 'SMART-CITY' Technology these COMMUNITY BASED AGENTs have access to an Automated, Active & Adaptive system of Real-Time EXASCALE Artificial Super-Intelligence Supercomputers which are Coordinatiing, Analyzing, Predicting, Enabling & Directing the Paradigm of Organized Stalking against Targeted Individuals, in real time, allowing CIA/DIA Hive Mind Teams hiding behind & using law enforcement agencies to do their dirty work to utilize local police departments and their Army of Informants turned into Provocateurs against the victim to predict & detect - in advance - the Choice Reference Patterns of the Targeted Individual as those Choices (Memories) are forming in real time, enabling Fusion Centers & CBA’s to take proactive measures to stay ahead of or counter in real time the Targeted Individual — and potentially prevent the Mind Control Victim from defeating the RNM System technology

Artificial Super-Intelligence Supercomputers - via a separate INTRANET - are using a strategy called INTER-CONNECTION - via the INTERNET - to exchange REAL TIME data & information between community based agents, police & their Army of Informants/Provocateurs as to the location and activities of the victim, achievable in real time because of the INTERNET OF THINGS

The Targeted Individuals daily activities & other information is more effectively triaged, analyzed for actionable insights, and subsequently disseminated to the appropriate agencies & individuals (Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc) in a useful time frame

This allows CBA’s to take proactive measures to stay ahead of & evaluate any new incident patterns throughout the city as the Targeted Individual tries to Function & Survive. This allows the Fusion Centers to forecast the favorite ‘hot spots’ of the Targeted Individual to proactively allocate resources & deploy personnel (Organized Stalking) resulting in improved force effectiveness to NEUTRALIZE the Activist Dissident & Whistle Blower in real time

Digital Video tech around the world is growing, both in the private sector and the public sector. The RNM Supercomputers use analytics on these digital video systems for real-time operations & can generate alerts in real time based on certain events concerning the victim ... but also for use as a forensic tool against the victim (e.g. Stalking)

SMART-CITY technologies are utilizing a SMART SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM ('SSS') which allows the RNM System to piggyback off law enforcement agencies & use digital video monitoring systems against the mind control victim & that offering enables the end-users (Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, etc.) to 'view, monitor & digitally record' the daily activities of the Targeted Individual while archiving it all over an IP network allowing real-time access to critical information regarding the daily activities of the victim as the target moves around the city

Everything they do is a game of DECEPTION & MANIPULATION, nothing more.  Do not accept anything they say as truth and do not acknowledge anything the system interrogates you about as truth. The system will take random bits of anything it captures through your senses and fabricate stories which they will use to harass & interrogate you with no intention other than to distract and torture you into submission to the system's influence

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