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💥DURHAM | HRC Campaign, Obama Admin, IC, LEO Agencies Conspired Against Trump


  • 0/2000
  • No criminal referrals? No indictments? Just a report that states what we've known for years. Next up, a hearing that will go absolutely nowhere. I'm always the one encouraging others and trying to be hopeful but these small "victories" aren't enough to win the war. We're hurting badly out here and there's no relief in sight. I'll never go back to sleep but I'm done waiting for the "Booms". It's all a distraction at this point. Thanks again. Have a blessed day.🙂👍

  • AmyMarie yup were hurting no relief in sight all this boom shit goes no where

    1 like
  • It doesnt actually say that ...it skirts the entire issues and question of breech of OATH,S AND OFFICE, BREECH OF U.S. CONSTITUTIONALITY, ETC WAKE UP, AMERICA... AND U BEST HURRY UP