The Power of NOW

1 year ago


I’m reading snippets each day and what a brilliant read!


Realise that the present moment is all we ever have. Wherever you are, be there TOTALLY. STOP focusing on the past and future. STOP being concerned with the result of your action, instead, give attention to the action itself.

If you can’t leave or change a situation, then accept it. Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there.’ Enjoy EVERY moment of EVERY process. Because if you reduce the present moment to simply a means to an end, the now will never be good enough. STOP waiting for something to happen or to change just so you can feel excited about life. LIVE IN THE NOW and practice gratitude for the present moment ❤️

I enjoy my job but what I don’t enjoy are the hours, and the time it takes me away from my family and the life I truly desire. I can either be miserable, stress and moan, and
waste precious time (once it has passed, it’s passed)
I can put in action and forge ahead setting things up so that in a couple years time I won’t need the 9-5, and enjoy exactly where I am whilst I do that.

After all, this is MY movie, MY reality, MY creation!

If you feel like you’re struggling to get out the matrix and off the hamster wheel, I can totally comprehend. Reach out, we need to talk. I might just be able to help❤️

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