Jody Wilson On Bill Mahar

1 year ago

Note: Updated My Vids Today Since I Wanted To Slow The Timing Of Each Clip Down So People Have Time To Read.

This Video Comes as I have been subsequently irritated by the actions and rationalization of former Liberal Minister Of Justice Of Canada And Former Crown Attorney Jody Wilson Rabould.

The fact she has been a former Prosecutor and Court Judge has baffled me as her complaints of Justin Trudeaus lack of complacency to uphold his side of supposed broken promises really strange. Wasn't till she made a fake audio as evidence to blame Trudeau as a Corrupt politician whos somehow Magically a Racist and Misogynistic Narcissist after she was dropped from Cabinet who suddenly breaks all kinds of promises is really weird.

Well if your a prosecutor and a Court Judge, Wouldn't you have seen Trudeaus Actions Coming For You? Especially after you paraded yourself as some Feminist Hero Of The Indigenous and LGBTQ Cultures. Much of Canada Saw Trudeau him for who and what he is, why couldn't you? "Oh I Thought He Was a Nice Cute Man Who Dressed Nicely!!!" Oh Really? A Court Judge who's supposed to have encountered men like this on an hourly basis and somehow Trudeau is Magically Different.

Her Counterpart, Jane Philpot who stepped down in support of Jody Wilson I'm also having issues with. Was in 2017 when I moved out of the Calgary Musterd Seed right after I had made a couple complaints about the lack of Organizations Basic Maintenance. The first complaint letter I sent in was list of issues I wanted to point out. Her response was about the Elevators, "Oh I came and ensured the Elevators were Investigated and they are up to date and you can check the results online!" Was her original response. "What? There was no investigation, noone coming to check up on the Maintenance of the Elevators which kept breaking down!!" Was my first thought. The first response was maybe 2.5 weeks after the complaint.
When I sent my response to my complaint letter in, about 2.5 weeks or so later the same response was the same. "The Elevators have been investigated and are up to date as fixed and fully functional!" In the time I sent both letters and received both responses, the elevators were subsequently broken and/or dysfunctional.

I also found it extremely weird she's been with the Prime Minister trotting around with the one of the flags of the LGBTQ community. Yet, Now she wants us to believe Trudeau broken some magical promises - (She must be speaking about Promises she made her on an individual level) - which he had never made I am aware of and for some reason she wants us to think we need to buy her biography book.

Clip Of Jody Wilsons Magical Audio Evidence of some non Existent Corruption:


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