Preparing Swarm Trap to Hang in Tree & Learning with Lavaca County Beekeeper, Mark Kelnar Shiner, TX

1 year ago

After transferring the bees out of the swarm trap, we prepared it with frames and lemongrass essential oil to be ready to hang again. Then Josh hung up the swarm trap in a different Crape Myrtle a few trees down. We were all TOTALLY shocked to find it had attracted another swarm the very next day! This was our 3rd caught bee swarm, two of them back to back! Mark came back over two weeks later to help us transfer the bees into our new bee hive boxes. We used mostly foundation-less frames and found cross combing so we had to use rubber bands to attach the comb to the frames for support until the bees fix it. Mark is teaching us about beekeeping and helping us out along the way. This is the third of several videos! Check out Mark's website, for more info and if you have a swarm that needs a bee removal expert!

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