Anonymous Conversations #1: Detransitioning from Wokeness

1 year ago

Turaj interviews a de-transitioned man who spent his teen age immersed in Leftist political culture and gender ideology. Adult content. Names of people and places withheld.

This debut episode of Anonymous Conversations had to be re-posted to include an update. The reason: my subject was fired from his job. He was told he does not fit into the culture of his workplace. (I assume the boss who fired him does not know he was a trans female two years ago.)

He suspects he got fired for saying the name of a popular professor, who happens to be the same professor a different co-worker mentioned to him in a much earlier conversation, a professor that co-worker had worried my subject would disapprove of. That earlier conversation, which happened to be described at the beginning of this interview, turned out to be a foreshadowing of the conversation that got him fired.

Now I know irony, dear listener, and that there be irony.

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