Work, Keep Working, and Then Work Harder

1 year ago


In PragerU’s 2023 commencement address, popular podcaster Tim Pool shares the secret of his success (hint: it’s not a degree from a prestigious university). Tim’s life path goes against everything we’re told we need to do to be “successful.” So, how did he do it? And how can you do it, too?


Congrats! You made it.

You finished college.

You got good grades.

…Ok, passing grades.

Now you’re gonna get a good job.

…Ok, a job.

In 20 years, maybe you’ll pay off your student loans.

After working for another 30 years, you may finally be able to retire and take that cruise to Aruba you always talk about.

And then? You die.

What. A. Joke.

Is this really what God or the universe or your mother had in mind for you?

Who decided this is the path to success? The woke colleges that teach you almost nothing of real value?

The corporations that need “well-behaved” worker bees to reach their quarterly targets?

The government that takes half your income and then wastes it?

I’m here to tell you there is another way.

I know because I’m living it.

I dropped out of high school at 14. I worked minimum-wage jobs when “minimum” meant something—as in “next to nothing.” I lived out of my car and “camped” in parks.

And yet, here I am, one of the most-watched personalities on the Internet. I employ a bunch of people. And, I make more than the minimum wage.

How did I get here without a college degree?

As someone once said, “I never let my schooling interfere with my education.”

My parents owned a coffee house in Chicago.

I did a little bit of everything. And while I was cleaning, cooking, or cashiering I was also soaking up the banter, learning about culture, politics, and why Jason hated the Republican party—that was my education.

I didn’t have some grand plan for my life. Actually, I didn’t have any plan. I just worked hard.

Whether I was handing out extra-crispy fries at the drive-through window, or freezing my ass off hauling luggage at O’Hare, I was always excited about what I was doing, because I knew my next job, and the one after that, would be better.

In my early 20s, I began a career in activism. I fundraised on behalf of Greenpeace and other environmental nonprofits. And I was damn good at it. In fact, I was always one of their top fundraisers. But I walked away when I discovered that the “green” these organizations claimed to care about was not the environment.

Around that time, rumors began circulating on the internet about something called “Occupy Wall Street.” The plan was for thousands of people to storm the streets of New York because they felt that the rich were being bailed out during an economic crisis they caused. Meanwhile, the middle class and the poor were being crushed. It seemed interesting, so I thought it was worth checking out."

For the full script, visit:


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