Is This The Best Dashcam? - 70mai Dash Cam Omni Review

2 years ago

I unbox, install and demonstrate the many features of the 70mai Omni Dash Cam and let you know if I think it is worth the low price. #70mai #70maiomni #omnidashcam #70maidashcam#70maismartdashcam #AImotiondetection #360fullviewdashcam

Best place to buy the 70mai Dash Cam:

Amazon link(Effective date 3.27-4.25):
Amazon link(Effective date 4.26-5.25):
20% off when buying with Amazon link

Thank you Zbanx for making this 70mai dash cam review video possible:

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ManShed LLC
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Tucson, AZ 85710

We're going to be reviewing the 70mai dash cam Omni. This camera is a great choice for users who want a reliable camera that can handle a lot of tough weather conditions.

We'll be taking a look at the specs of the camera, as well as how it performs in the field. We'll also give you our opinion on whether or not the 70mai dash cam Omni is the best dashcam on the market!

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