PE67: Reserves & Recessions... in Canada!

1 year ago

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This is the sixty-seventh video installment from Porkopolis Economics, covering macro and money, from the creator of the Crypto Voices podcast, Matthew Mezinskis.

00:00 Intro
00:35 Base money in banks
01:52 Demand deposits
03:45 Reserve ratio
04:15 Reserve ratio rising
06:36 Reserve ratio falling
08:55 Central bank sells gold
11:15 What makes Canada different?
12:30 Is fractional reserve banking the problem?

Here I talk about the reserve ratio of the Canadian banking system from the late '60s, until today. This is the ratio of base money in banks, relative to outstanding demand deposits - systemwide.

The most important question I ask and answer in this video is: Is fractional reserve banking (and low reserve ratios) the source of recessions?

Prior videos with further info:
Brown's Bottom:
USA Demand Deposits:

Host: Matthew Mezinskis

Show content is not investment or financial advice in any way.

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