Happy Mother’s Day Sunday Assembly Freedom In Christ Ministries INC. 5-14-2023

1 year ago

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Happy Mother’s Day Sunday Assembly Freedom In Christ Ministries INC. 5-14-2023 | http://FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com

Sunday Assembly: 11:30AM Eastern (8:30AM Pacific)

Bible Study: Weekdays 7:15PM Eastern (4:15PM Pacific)

Join us on FreeConferenceCall: http://FreedomInChrist.OnUniverse.com/FCC

Bob George Website: http://BobGeorge.net

Born Free: http://freedominchrist.onuniverse.com/bobgeorge/bornfree

The Gospel of John - 40 Lessons - Bob George Ministries Store: https://freedominchrist.onuniverse.com/bobgeorge/gospelofjohn

Closer Look Bible Studies Books & Digital Audios by Bob George Ministries: https://freedominchrist.univer.se/bobgeorge/closerlookbiblestudies

Can everyone please take one minute to subscribe to Joe Regis on Rumble. We need 100 SUBSCRIBERS so we can live stream through Rumble. Thank you, it is greatly appreciated! https://rumble.com/user/joeregis

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