Article Video - The Social Darwinism and Corporate Feudalism Frauds By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Social Darwinism and Corporate Feudalism Frauds - Sunday, May 14, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

Perhaps no other lie in the last two centuries has been so successful in denigrating mankind and misleading masses of people than Darwinism, which Charles Darwin himself objected to.

The true implication of Darwin's observation -- that the process of creation is ongoing, should not startle anyone; we should expect it to be so, and go on about our business.

We have been misled by arguments now over a century old to equate ourselves with apes and to extrapolate vicious theories like "survival of the fittest" which underlies the whole travesty of Social Darwinism.

The Law of the Jungle, also known as, survival of the fittest, is nothing new. Those who were already living under this evil standard-- mostly bankers and businessmen of other stripes-- the so-called Robber Barons of the Nineteenth Century, merely seized upon Darwin's findings to justify their own bad behavior and lack of conscience.

Men like Cecil Rhodes, T.E. Harriman, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Lord Pirbright, J.D. Rockefeller, and the Duponts, thrived in the lawless and ruthless atmosphere of the times and prided themselves on their utter lack of caring and conscience. They envisioned themselves as primal predators and chafed against every social and moral obligation.

The Children of Cain, who are born without a conscience, also live under The Law of the Jungle, but unlike normal men, they do not have to subvert their nature and discipline themselves to a life of ruthlessness. They come by it naturally.

Among the Children of Cain this fundamental defect, not having a conscience, is peddled as a hallmark of the elite, and the cruelty they promote as proof of their elite standing, and the blackmail and deceit they practice, has earned them their description: white-washed tombs.

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