They (The Democrats) Want You To Be Poor!

1 year ago

They (The Democrat Party) Want You To Be Poor

***So I can post this on Rumble, any quotes from articles that are linked to will be preceded with *** & ended with ***

All Democrats & many Republicans claim to be for “the workin’ man” (remember when Matt Hooper told Quint that he was tired of his “working class hero B.S.”) but impose policies that destroy the middle class.

Social Security is a perfect example, it was not created to help the poor, it was created to control the middle class & upper middle class.

Fossil fuels have provided reliable, cheap energy & that was a boon to the middle class, but the Democrats need to take that away because they need that control. Don’t like high gas prices, go buy an electric car (and for the price of that car you could get 2 econoboxes that get ~40MPH). Don’t like your high rent? Go buy a house. Don’t like being poor? Perhaps finish school, get established in your job, have a successful marriage & THEN have the kids.

Isn’t that right Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal? Don’t like being poor? Don’t consume alcohol, stay off drugs. Anyways…

***As you know, the worst people in the world (Davos) have gathered to decide how they can further make our lives miserable.

One of my most provocative guests just returned to my show, with a brand new book that takes direct aim at one of the elites' most cherished projects.

It's Alex Epstein, and his book is Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas -- Not Less.

His argument is extremely convincing, and introduces considerations most people never think about.

He recently wrote:

Fossil fuels, which provide 80 percent of the world’s energy, have and will continue to have the unique benefit of providing low-cost, reliable energy to billions of people in thousands of places — a benefit that is desperately needed in a world where some 3 billion people still use less electricity than a typical American refrigerator. Contrary to claims that solar and wind are rapidly replacing fossil fuels, fossil fuel use is still growing, while intermittent solar and wind energy, after generations on the market, provide just 3 percent of the world’s energy — and that 3 percent is totally dependent on fossil fuels, especially natural gas, for 24/7 backup. Solar and wind are nowhere near being able to replace the energy that fossil fuels provide today, let alone the far greater amounts of energy humanity needs going forward.

One of the key benefits of more fossil fuel use, I will argue, will be powering our enormous and growing ability to master climate danger, whether natural or man-made — an ability that has made the average person on Earth 50 times less likely to die from a climate-related disaster than they were in the 1°C colder world of one hundred years ago.

Because fossil fuel use is so vital to the world’s future, I will argue, today’s proposed policies to rapidly eliminate fossil fuel use would, if fully implemented, have truly apocalyptic consequences — making the world an impoverished, dangerous, and miserable place for most people. And even if fossil fuel elimination policies aren’t fully implemented — which they won’t be, given the expressed intent of China, Russia, and India to increase their fossil fuel use — even widespread restrictions on fossil fuel use that fall far short of elimination will shorten and inflict misery on billions of lives, especially in the poorest parts of the world.***

And that’s not all folks!

***Here's what they're up to now.

Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, is speaking of "flattening the curve" -- but she's not speaking about COVID.

She's using that propaganda phrase for a whole new purpose now. The "curve" is energy use.

"So what we have to do," she says, "is flatten the curve and avoid the peak demands. We will propose a mandatory target for reducing electricity use at peak hours and we will work very closely with the member states to achieve this."

They have created this energy problem in the first place, and of course they are positioning themselves as the people who will manage it for us.

States have always thrived on crises, but this is getting ridiculous.

One crisis after the other, always with the elites imposing more mandates and restrictions, and always hurting the most vulnerable people.

Radio host Jesse Kelly put it this way: "Whenever you hear climate change death cultists talk about 'transition' and 'some pain,' just know that’s poor people dying. That's the 'some pain' they’re talking about."

And our friend Saifedean Ammous just added: "If you are a productive human but cannot get 24/7 electricity today, the only possible explanation is that you’ve been enslaved by your local politicians and central bankers."

In the old days, progressives claimed to want to improve the standard of living of the poorest. Now it's pretty blunt: you will be poorer, and if you object you're an enemy of the state.***

They want you to be poor, get it now? But that’s not all!

***Abstract Excerpt: Is authoritarian power ever legitimate? ... While, under normal conditions, maintaining democracy and rights is typically compatible with guaranteeing safety, in emergency situations, conflicts between these two aspects of legitimacy can and often do arise. A salient example of this is the COVID-19 pandemic, during which severe limitations on free movement and association have become legitimate techniques of government. Climate change poses an even graver threat to public safety. Consequently, I argue, legitimacy may require a similarly authoritarian approach."

The paper's author Ross Mittaga, calls for "authoritarian environmentalism" to address the alleged climate "emergency." : "It is ultimately an empirical question whether authoritarian governance is better able to realize desired environmental outcomes and, if so why and to what extent? Yet, it is undeniable that nearly all wealthy democratic states have failed to respond adequately to the climate crisis. By contrast, various less affluent authoritarian regimes have been successful in implementing stringent climate policies..."***

Democracy dies in darkness, right? And that darkness will be during that state-mandated blackout to save the planet. I thought Democrats cared about democracy? Not anymore (and America was never intended to be a democracy) they don’t and again, they want you to be living in a crappy apartment, they want you to have no property & they want you to be poor.

Read further into the story for scathing critiques of this Nazi-esque lockdown proposal.

But that’s still not all kids!

***A new report is urging Europe to hurt Putin by imposing COVID lockdown-inspired energy bans on Europeans. The RePlanet report, being touted by the UK Guardian, is calling for a “ban all business flights, private jets & internal flights,” imposing a ban on “car use within cities” and “reducing heating in buildings,” all while “fast-tracking solar & wind” power. The RePlanet report is titled, “SWITCH OFF PUTIN: UKRAINE ENERGY SOLIDARITY PLAN – How we can stop funding Putin’s war machine.”

“We propose bans on all business flights, private jets and internal flights within Europe to save oil, and bans also on car use within cities,” the report’s authors said. “This should be combined with free public transport. While the impacts of this are not easily quantified, we believe this could double the reduction in oil use beyond that proposed by the IEA.”

The report is explicit in its enchantment with COVID lockdowns. “In some ways, the speed of the change will resemble the Covid lockdowns,” the report noted, adding, “as, with Covid lockdowns, social pressure to abide by national restrictions will also play a big part.”

The report, which calls for “energy rationing” and claims it will be “rationing via fair shares,” apes the COVID template by stating, “We may need a state of emergency declared.” The report is open about how COVID lockdowns can be the model for so much of what progressives and government leaders want to impose on society.***

You will be poor & you will like it. Unfortunately, the Democrats here have done a fine job of cajoling their already underemployed base to do more of nothing & when you have nothing to lose, climate lockdowns, energy rationing won’t hurt you… as much.

However, what will they do when their small apartment is freezing & there’s nothing to eat? This is why George Washington urged that a free people ought to be armed. It would get exceedingly ugly. Oh, did I mention that you’ll be poor & like it?

Now, Joe Biden & his cronies are renewing their push to shove everyone in electric cars, this is part of a larger war on Rural America, as I chronicled here

Electric cars would be feasible (assuming you can afford them, but do not worry, I’m sure people who actually pay taxes will fund the “credits” for underemployed Democrat voters in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore & Los Angeles to obtain them) if you live in an area sans adverse weather & have a short trip to work.

The Democrats also intend (this is part of so-called “smart growth” policies) to make electric cars more feasible by blueprinting 15-minute cities.

***Christine Anderson, a member of the European Parliament, believes that COVID-19 passports and QR codes that became widespread during the pandemic were test runs toward implementing “15-minute cities” aimed at tightening government control over people.

A 15-minute city is a neighborhood where a resident can reach everything they need, such as a grocery store, doctor, and so forth, within a 15-minute walk. Anderson says such cities are the beginning of tighter government control of people.

The government can exert control by deciding “you are no longer allowed to leave your 15-minute immediate area. They don’t have to fence it in or anything. It will be done via digital ID,” she said in an interview on the “American Thought Leaders” program published on April 25.

“If you now fancy another store and it does not happen to be in your neighborhood, guess what? You won’t be going to that store anymore,” she told host Jan Jekielek.

“Like I said, total control is what we’re talking about.”

In Europe, legislation is being advanced to set up 15-minute cities. According to Anderson, the Digital Green Certificate, the COVID pass introduced during the pandemic, was only a test run designed to get people used to producing a QR code and related requirements.

“Now, they’re slamming us with these 15-minute cities,” she said. “Make no mistake, it’s not about your convenience. It’s not that they want you to be able to have all of these places that you need to get to close by. It’s not about saving the planet either.

“With the 15-minute cities, they will have to have those before they can lock you down, and that’s what we were talking about here.

“In Great Britain, some counties have already passed legislation. They will be able to impose a climate lockdown. That’s the next step. That’s what we are talking about. In order to do that, they will have to have these 15-minute cities.”

The next step, Anderson says, will involve restricting people within their localities, only allowing them to leave the place two or three times a year. However, the rich will be able to get away with these rules as they can purchase exit passes from the poorer segments, she stated.

“The poor people will be left in these 15-minute neighborhoods, while the ones that are better off get to go wherever they want to go. This is what we are talking about.”

An article featured on the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) website in March 2022 called the concept of 15-minute cities “a lot more than a fad” and a consequence of the current times, specifically the pandemic.

“With COVID-19 and its variants keeping everyone home (or closer to home than usual), the 15-minute city went from a ‘nice-to-have’ to a rallying cry,” it claimed. “As climate change and global conflict cause shocks and stresses at faster intervals and increasing severity, the 15-minute city will become even more critical.”
Digital Tyranny

Anderson pointed out that Chinese communist-style “social credit” systems are already being tested out in Europe.

“There are pilot projects already going on in Bologna [Italy]. There, it’s called the ‘Bologna Wallet.’ In Vienna, it’s called the ‘Vienna Token.'”

“It’s voluntary for now, and it’s only pretty much enticing people. If you do this, you get some tickets for a little less, to go to the theater. Voluntary. Once again, [it’s the] first step,” she said.

“But soon, there will be a time when you don’t have a choice anymore. You have to have this Digital Green Certificate with this QR code. Then, they will tell you where you can go, what you can do, and what you cannot do.”

Anderson criticized “The Line” project that’s under construction in Saudi Arabia. A 200-kilometer-long, 200-meter-wide, 500-meter-high structure, The Line is projected to house up to 9 million people.

“If I wanted to get total control of the people, that’s exactly where and how I would house them, and then, have them on a three-meal-a-day prescription. Guess what will happen if you do not do as you are told—they will probably cancel those meals. It’s so easy,” she said.

“That’s what we’re talking about. When you really take all of this together, there is no other way for me to actually say this—it will be a complete impoverishment and enslavement of all the people. I’m stating it so clearly because that’s what it seems like, and that’s what it looks like to me.”

The concept of 15-minute cities is drawing heated debate on social media. When documentary maker Carla Francome posted a thread in February about the benefits of such cities, it soon attracted criticism.

One person suggested that while 15-minute cities sound great in theory, they would become a problem once the government tries to enforce them.

Another pointed out that if 15-minute cities were to become a reality, Francome would have to gain a special permit to visit her father if he was living 30 minutes away.

“One day, you’ll be trapped in your 15-minute city, waiting for a drone to deliver your sweet and sour bugs and trying to remember what it was like to be on holiday,” author Lisa Keeble wrote in an April 22 tweet. “You’ll ask yourself – when did it all go wrong.

“When you applauded lockdowns and masks.”***

Heck, you may not even need a car, yay! Many of the mentally ill divorcee Sam Seder’s listeners have no property & probably have no car because they utilize taxpayer-funded urban mass transit. Yes, taxpayers in Iowa who never use this garbage are funding it. (Just in case you refuse to look at anything on Facebook)

***Biden's EPA Chief Micheal Regan: "Together, today's actions will accelerate our ongoing transition to a clean vehicles future, tackle the climate crisis head on... […]

CNN: The US Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to release strict new proposed federal emissions standards for light-duty vehicles that, if implemented, would move the US car market decisively toward electric vehicles over the next decade. The EPA is considering emissions standards that could make up to two-thirds of new passenger vehicles sold in the US electric by 2032, according to a source familiar with the proposal. If implemented, the new greenhouse gas performance standards would start for light-duty vehicles that are model year 2027 and gradually increase through model year 2032. By 2032, the rules would ensure that 64% to 67% of all new-car sales in the US would be electric vehicles, according to the source

The Great Car Reset has arrived: Our transportation system is being intentionally collapsed; (and our freedom of movement is being stripped away) EVs to be forced upon YOU without a vote!

Marc Morano: "This is the planned rationing of vehicles. The planned rationing of American cars. That's the only way this plan makes sense ... the only result is going to be shortages of cars and a completely altered used car market. You can look to Cuba to find out what it's like to have a raging used car market because that's what we're looking at here. And you can look to old East Germany. East Germany had their famed Trabant car, where people would have to get on waiting lists for years to get one and that's what we're faced with here when the government is going to mandate you can only buy a new electric car. ... An Australian bank is announcing it's not going to give financing for loans to anyone buying a gas-powered car. The World Bank has now announced it wants to set a timetable to stop the funding for -- even at the automaker level for gas-powered cars. The powers that be, the corporate world, the bankers, the governments, academia -- they've decided that gas-powered cars are over and they're putting all the forces into play to end it without our say in it.

And if you somehow avoid the gas car bans, they will make obtaining gas for it a nightmare! See:
Gas Station Bans Next on Climate Agenda: Colorado city BANS new gas stations due to ‘obligation’ to tackle ‘climate change’ – Follows California cities)

American Energy Alliance "Today, less than 6% of cars are electric, despite years of generous tax credits...The EPA rule is an attempt to accelerate the number of electric vehicle sales to 67% by 2032."***

This reminds me of a lot of cities in California (surprise!) trying to make you poor & restrict cheap energy to the poor & middle class by declaring a war on natural gas (which is much cleaner than coal, but it be damned too!).

A really bad idea called property taxes started in Wisconsin, but since then most really bad ideas start in California & spread across these United States.

***Municipalities across the country have taken it upon themselves, often at the behest of radical environmentalists, to restrict the use of natural gas in their jurisdictions. These restrictions often take the form of bans on future construction projects including natural gas hookups. Several states have taken the initiative to protect their residents from these short-sighted and counterproductive rules. Here you will find a continuously updated list of municipalities and states that have enacted or are considering legislation on this issue and an overview of problems associated with natural gas bans.***

Iowa, among other states (most of them Republican-controlled legislatures) have prohibited local natural gas bans. Look for the Democrats to attempt to make this a national ban at some point, Federalism only matters when it’s a Democrat-leaning County wanting to implement mask mandates & shelter-in-place orders inside a Republican trifecta.

Those natural gas bans are another facet of the Democrat war on property-owners & businesses in Rural America.

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