So, Whats on your heart ? ♥️

1 year ago

Episode 1
Acts 1:1-14

Our private heartfelt 'Conversations' done live on Twitter "Spaces"and at last imported on UTube.

Born out of frustration, isolation and HOPE .

There's something "off" about the way we do church ,Maybe there's a 'structural' problem? it feels like we are no longer satisfied ,can't put up with 'it' anymore ,but,we don't know what it is exactly or what to do about it!
So, We have decided to go thru the book of Acts looking for the thing our hearts is longing for, God's original intent ,HeartBeat for us, The Church.

So,What was on HIS Heart ?

The Holy Spirit has also put in our hearts, pieces of Gods Plan and we need to connect to each other to get the Big Picture.

My piece is : I believe The Greatest REVIVAL the World has ever known is about to be poured out.
We need to know & be in our Gods ordained position, Everyone & Anyone who has a ♥️ for Humanity will be impacted and the Darkness will be greatly pushed back.

So, What about your piece ?
What's on your heart?

Let's find out together ❤️

We are having these very spontaneous and umperfect convos on "Spaces" Twitter, anyone can join.

#Jesus #god #God #TheChurch #REVIVAL #revivalist #revival #revivalprayer #Outpouring #TheHolySpirit #jesuschrist #bible #Acts #actschurchisback #prophecyI

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