t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 : あなたの愛

1 year ago

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0:00 - 1. 私​は​あ​な​た​の​こ​と​を​い​つ​ま​で​も​愛​し​ま​す [i will love you forever]

13:05 - 2. 手​放​す [let go]

18:54 - 3. あ​な​た​の​愛​は​私​の​救​世​主​で​す [your love is my savior]

27:17 - 4. 私​は​ち​ょ​う​ど​あ​な​た​を​愛​し​た​い​と​思​っ​た [i just wanted to love you]

33:41 - 5. あ​な​た​の​視​線​で​失​わ [Lost in your sight]

36:42 - 6. 恋​愛​中 [in love]

47:38 - 7. あ​な​た​の​夢​幻​は​私​の​現​実​で​あ​る [your dreams are my reality]

54:28 - 8. 私​は​同​じ​よ​う​に​感​じ​る​こ​と​は​あ​り​ま​せ​ん [i never feel the same way]

1:01:00 - 9. あ​な​た​の​愛​な​し​で​失​わ​れ​た [lost without your love]

1:04:56 - 10. ナ​イ​ト​ク​ラ​ブ [night club]

1:10:12 - 11. あ​な​た​の​目​で [in your eyes]

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