STRYPER @BMI (05-12-2023) Songs_17,18 Soldiers Under Command, To Hell With the Devil

1 year ago

17 Soldiers Under Command
18 To Hell With the Devil
Here's a video of songs seventeen and eighteen from the Stryper concert at BMI Event Center in Versailles, Ohio (05-12-2023) .
One more video to come.

A very special "Thank You!" goes out to the super nice lady who caught the Bible that Robert Sweet threw out at time marker 10m34s!
She gave this Bible to me right after the show!

I recorded the video with an LG Stylo 4 and recorded separate audio with a MD Walkman MZ-R700 Minidisc recorder by Sony.
I sync'd the audio and video together using Adode Premiere Pro 5.5.

BTW, I stuffed the MD recorder in my front pocket to muffle the mic for a cleaner recording. My last post will be a clip of what the audio sounded like without using this additional MD audio. In short, it's a recording of a live concert using a cell phone microphone. Super-D-Duper Distorted!

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