Ashtar Sheran - God father/mother does not impose anything, the choice is yours

1 year ago

Ashtar Sheran, emphasizes the importance of opening one's consciousness and breaking free from the ego. He reminds people that Earth is just one planet in an immeasurable universe created by God Father/Mother, who emits His love and energy equally to all. He stresses that God is fair, and there are no privileges or greater love for anyone. Ashtar discusses the evolution of Earth and the need for humans to raise their vibration to the Fifth Dimension. He clarifies that this will require leaving the Third Dimension and that those who do not want to evolve cannot remain on Earth. Ashtar points out that leaving Earth cannot be forced, and people must be ready to leave with an open heart. Ashtar urges people to stop seeing themselves as victims and understand that physical death is a natural process and necessary for the evolution of the soul.

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