S2E3p3 The Once and Former King? "The Late, Great Christian World" part 3

1 year ago

“The Once and Former King?”
Would it make sense to you to replace your spouse with a totally different person, but continue to use your spouse’s name and treat the new person as if he or she were the old one? At a minimum, I think it’s safe to say your marriage would be over. You might be living in some sort of fantasy about your new situation, but it’s definitely not your marriage. Well as ridiculous as that sounds, that’s precisely what many churches – what most people, in fact – have done with God. It is rare to find worship of the God described in Scripture, even while His Name is on everyone’s lips. But it’s no laughing matter, friends, because terrible things happen when we worship a false god.

“The Late, Great Christian World” Part 3: 5/17/23
This week on Something’s Happening Here, we’re investigating the concept of a post-Christian Western society. What would that look like? Is it happening already?

Season 2 Episode 3
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