So inspired by the amazing black women and their businesses. @mortgagesbykay ✨

1 year ago

Had the best weekend since 2022 started at the phenomenal event put on by Alison and Jillian! So inspired by the amazing black women and their businesses. @mortgagesbykay ✨

This episode is a must-watch as we delve into the story of someone Kayann and her exceptional business. Get ready to be inspired by her resilience, innovation, and unwavering spirit. 💼✨

Join us in celebrating the accomplishments of these remarkable women as we watch the full episode featuring the incredible @franciscaepale at the @womenonfire Awards. Witness the power of unity and the impact of strong, empowered women uplifting one another. 💪

Don't miss out on this empowering episode! Click the link below to watch now and be part of this incredible journey. 🎬🔥

#Honored #WomanOnFireAwards #InspiringWomen #BusinessSpotlight #WomenSupportingWomen #FullEpisode #FranciscaEpale #CelebratingAchievements #Unity #EmpoweredWomen #WatchNow #theMAPbook #createwealthnetwork #FOCUS11 #SuccessStories #Entrepreneurship #EmpoweringWomen #CareerGrowth #FinancialIndependence #Leadership #Inspiration #PersonalDevelopment #BusinessAdvice #WomenInBusiness #NetworkingEvent #ValuableInsights #GameChangers

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