We Don't Need Government

1 year ago

"Government" Is Actually The Problem In Our Societies, Not The Solution. If People Were Educated/Taught/Programmed Properly From The Start As Children By Parents Who Were Also Brought Up or Awakened Properly In Love and Generosity. We Would All Do For Others Before Self And We Could All Live Abundantly in Peace & Harmony With The Environment. From My Upbringing Under Flower Children Cultural Influence Is Where This Ideology/Knowledge Stems From. Then Built Upon In My 55 Years Of Extreme Boundary Pushing Experience Being Here Awake Since Childhood In This False Reality. Governments and Religious Dogma Are The Cause Of All Strife In Our World. I Can Control My Own Mind and My Own Spirit. I Am a Real Anarchist. No Violence or Protest Needed. We Believe In Governing Ourselves and Leaving Others Alone To Do The Same. We Live By The Only Real Law Of The Creator, And That Is Natural Law. Do No Harm. Period. To People, To Animals & To Nature/The Environment. We Believe To Put Others First, Knowing That The Law of Karma Is Real And You Will Reap What You Sow. Give Too Receive. If Every Living Soul Lived by These Simple Principals, We Would Live In Paradise. That "Garden of Eden". Click on full screen view in your rumble player. https://fearnotexperience.com

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