Filing Habeas Corpus against TSA/Troopers for injunction to STOP my Arrest and False Imprisonment

1 year ago

Trazevant V City of Tampa Bay sets precedence for Arrest and False Imprisonment at$1,800,000.00 per day as it is one of our most basic rights unquestionable. The clock for False Arrest started the twelfth day of May in the year of Our Lord, "2023" around 8am the minute i was detained by the TSA and will run until i am able to freely travel unless there is some underlying Harm i have caused of which i am Always willing to re-pair as i am a son of the most high, a Peacemaker, but be aware, Fraud vitiates the most sacred contract and each (wo)man can and will be held to account in this court or the Courts of Heaven and re-comp-ense shall be justly dealt in equity = Law

Our adversary runs these courts and is the Accuser of the Bretheren.... but 'i' am not fighting them, 'i' am just standing obediently as commanded, Father is fighting my battles and delivering victory. Proclaim your Liberty! Full armor brothers and sisters and, remember your strength and rock as promised in Psalms 91....

Look at the clock on the wall if you need know the signs and the time. 3:11 = 33.

I wish to thank this Lady for her wonderful help as a Public Servant, please say a grace for her...
Same for my Texas Federal Marshall brother, blessings on you and your family.

Love and Gratitude

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