NURSE Nicole Sirotek to Senator Ron Johnson - This isn't a hospital it is a CONCENTRATION CAMP

1 year ago

Nurse Nicole Sirotek, who is specialized in critical care and trauma testified in front of Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson. She quickly became an expert in Early Intervention Strategies executed on a large mass scale using the FLCC or Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19 as well as Ventilator Covid Protective Strategy to optimize Covid patients on the Ventilators.

Nicole’s story began back in May of 2020 in which she was one of the original nurses that went to NYC to help with the Covid Pandemic as they needed nurses as well as ventilators. Nicole says that she was the whole package, the flight nurse that could manage ventilators. Nicole says that when she arrived there, the gross negligence and malfeasance that happened there and the complete mismanagement of patients is what led us to the situation we are in right now.

The pandemic and hysteria that was created from poor public health measures and poor execution of appropriate intervention strategies and the handicapping of medical professionals doing their job led to where we are right now and into the crisis we find ourselves in. Nurse Nicole says she will use larger descriptive statistical information for what she is going to speak of but when she was in New York, continues to happen today, many of them are not dying from Covid.

Nicole is a Master’s Prepared Biochemist as she worked with the HIV Virus tracking genetic mutations, so she feels very comfortable going toe to toe with some of the doctors although she technically is not a medical doctor.

She says, what they saw on the frontlines, they knew what was happening. When they asked for the Ibuprofen, they said NO it was contraindicated, when they asked for steroids they said no we are just following orders. It is the following of orders that has led to the sheer number of deaths in these hospitals.

Nicole says “I didn’t see a SINGLE patient die of Covid, I’ve seen a substantial number of patients die of negligence and medical malfeasance.”

Nicole Sirotek is known as the sobbing nurse on the New York frontlines that was sobbing saying “they are murdering my patients.”

Pharmaceutical companies have gone into those hospitals and started to practice on the minorities, on the disadvantaged and on the marginalized populations who we know we have NO Advocates for. The very agencies that should have been protecting them were closed and they were “Sheltering” in place.

When I was there I saw that the Pharmaceutical companies were rolling out Remdesivir, Nicole attempted to get in contact with the IRB’s – Institutional Review Boards, she tried to get in touch with her appropriate Chain of Command, she tried CMS and even Department of Health. They rolled out Remdesivir on a substantial number of patients in which we ALL saw it was Remdesivir that was killing the patients.

Now it is an FDA approved drug that is continuing to kill people in the United States.

Nurses have collected Qualitative data and the doctors collect Quantitative Data. Qualitative data is humanistic phenomenological approach and nursing research. So we collected the data from all of these patients from throughout the country and we have been helping patients.

Nicole formed the organization Frontline Nurses and the Advocacy Network so patients would have Nurse Advocates. All of the data pool shows as these patients receive Remdesivir they have a Less than 25% of survival if they receive more than 2 doses. Now they are rolling it out on Children as well and into the Nursing Homes to the Elderly as Early Intervention. Dr. Pierre Corrie and Dr. Paul Marik have already demonstrated that there are cost effective medications out there and we are going to see the amplification of death across our country.

Nicole says that we haven’t even touched on the Vaccines in which all of our Expert Panels have already touched on.

In this testimony to Senator Johnson Nicole said “Two days ago I flew out my first 10 year old with a Heart Attack and I had to fight my doctor in the ER because he’s like 10 year olds don’t have heart attacks and I argued back and forth for 30 minutes to force his hand to get an EKG and to find out he had an almost complete Stemi which is ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction” This is a type of heart attack that mainly affects your heart's lower chambers. They are named for how they change the appearance of your heart's electrical activity on a certain type of diagnostic test.

The doctor said “well that’s not possible.”

Nicole said “he was just vaccinated yesterday, it is very much possible.”

Nicole says there is “victim shaming” going on, “oh it’s just anxiety or oh it’s just this.”

In actuality if they put down that it was a Vaccine Injury, the Physician, the Corporation, the Hospital, the Clinic – they won’t get reimbursed so it gets labeled as Anxiety or Neuropathy or Guillain Barre Syndrom so the hospitals can get reimbursed. When in reality it is very obvious it is a Vaccine Injury.

Nicole says that she has been to India, South Africa and South America working in hot zones stopping the spread of the virus and working with Early Intervention and no where in those countries and developing nations does she see these issues that are occurring here in the United States.

We are told that the United States is the BEST country in the world, but our level of healthcare is substandard third world healthcare. Nicole tells people that they are better off in South America at a Field Hospital than you are in Level I Trauma Designer Hospitals in the United States.

Nicole says we are getting reports across the country from American Frontline Nurses about patients not getting food, patients not getting water, why do we need Court Orders to give a patient some food who was not fed in 9 days?

Where is the hospital to feed a patient who isn’t intubated? The protocol says that nurses can’t even take the patients Bipap Covid Mask off to feed them.

If the patient is on a Ventilator they are not getting basic standard of care. Patients haven’t been fed, bathed, given water and Nicole says “if you ask me this isn’t a hospital it is a Concentration Camp.” .

Nicole says “No where in the United States do we isolate people for hundreds of hours at a time with no human contact. It is not even allowed in the prisons. It is horrible for mental health and is considered inhumane. However, in hospitals now are isolating patients from their families for days and you have to say Goodbye to them over an I-phone.”

Nicole says that she was fired for sneaking a Hispanic Family in so they had last rites to their loved one.

Nicole ends by thanking Senator Johnson for listening to the Nurses as they are the medium between the doctors and patients.

Ends in Great Applause!!

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