Ric Flair apologises To Stone Cold after Backlash.April 22nd 2022

1 year ago

After the pay per view Ric Flair needs to apologise to Stone Cold Steve Austin,what for though? https://www.twitch.tv/Simply_Redman?sr=aPlaying #MarioKartTour very soon. Can YOU find ME I'll be playing this mode for 1 hour. If you see me take a 📸 tweet it to me and I'll follow you retweetv and share some of your content l. Friend code 817260460597 @mariokarttourJP @MKT_ESP @Japan @Israel Another great Ric Flair promo please follow and like for more and consider a @Patreon membership to help me create more wrestling Promos cheers from Australia 🇦🇺

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