Mind control robot arm for monkeys finally invented

1 year ago

Monkey think monkey do.

Not content with Elon Musk hogging all the monkey brains, the boffins at Nankai University have decided to get in on the action. The team successfully implanted an EEG monitor into the monkey’s brain so they could collect sensory data. They were then able to translate the monkey’s thoughts into actions, allowing it to operate a robotic arm while trapped inside what looks like a plastic commode. The implant was fitted under sedation, rather than general anesthetic, as this does not require any of the skull to be removed, making it significantly less invasive than other monkey robot brain augments.

The research, which has not been verified by any other robotic monkey enthusiasts, could pave the way for a range of mind-controlled robotic augments to aid those living with disabilities, the team hopes.


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