Can You Hear Me Screaming In a Vacuum Chamber?

1 year ago

200717 Like and subscribe. This is an archive, check the link in the end if you are. Have you ever wondered if you could hear someone scream in space? In this video I check if you can hear me screaming in a vacuum chamber? I put the GoPro in the vacuum chamber and pump it down to maximum vacuum, then I scream and knock on the chamber walls to see if you can hear it from the inside. Listen to the absolute silence of a vacuum in this awesome video showing you how deathly silent a vacuum can be.

Space is not a perfect vacuum but it is very close. In interstellar space it can reach the equivalent of just a few hydrogen atoms per cubic meter on average. Even in my non-perfect vacuum chamber we can get to low enough pressures so that sound cannot travel through it (at least audible sound). Then I talk about how if you were in space you still would probably be able to hear an explosion. This is because the gasses that are expelled in an explosion or a rocket motor actually hit you an create their own medium. However the sound you hear would be more of an initial shock wave puff sound than a sound. Since sound is a repeating pattern this could not be called true sound.

Watch me scream at the top of my lungs and see if you can hear it in a vacuum!

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