Honor Thy Mother - Ephraim International Ministries Shabbat Service

1 year ago

Honor Thy Mother - “Moms, it’s ok not to be ok. That does not make you a bad mom.
There are going to be days where you feel like you’ve totally missed the mark, and that’s ok.”
• Parents know that most days are hard.
• Don’t believe the lie that motherhood was supposed to be easy.
• Motherhood is actually meant to be messy.

You are spiritually fighting to get back to the original state of creation and its going to be a fight.
So what if the goal was not perfection, how freeing would that be?
What if the goal was to continually grow?
Understand that as a mom, you were specifically chosen by God to be the mom to your children. You were hand-picked and play a major role in your children's legacy.
Proverbs 31:30 Charm can lie, beauty can vanish, but a woman who fears Adonai should be praised.
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God is looking for and gathering the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel; also called "the lost sheep of the House of Israel", by Yeshua.

They are called the House of Israel or the House of Joseph or the House of Ephraim in the Scriptures.


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