👀 Outer Space Is Fake 🗣 Gravity Needs A FORCE To Work/Exist, But Gravity Is Not A Force At ALL

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1 year ago


Now, check this out...

There's absofuckinlutely no such thing as "space" as we've all been FORCE fed to believe.

Keep reading, please...

Although, some of us have gone on to actually look at the arguments on both sides, but guess what?

You (GLOBE-TODDS) still think the same as we (FLAT-EARTH-BUDS) used to think.

So, your brain is still in the "too proud," mode or the "that's just the way it's been for thousands... or millions of years" mode.

Don't sell yourself short!
(Just hear me out, please)

We were all trained/taught to think the same way.

It should be common knowledge by now that they've used (and probably still do use) MK Ultra on select men and women such as Hollywood stars.

If gravity is not a force at all, then it doesn't exist! Period!

I believe the Satanists who run the Earth plane just had someone make up the concept of gravity because it was missing from their demonic, deceptive, Helio-SIN-Tricked model.

And they had to make that stick in the minds of the GOYIM...

GOY, noun; GOYIM, plural noun; Definition: a term used by Jewish people for a non-Jewish person...


They've done this with everything we know...

Nuclear weapons, dinosaurs, and traditional holidays are all just a fallacy/fantasy.

That's just a few, of the many, many #lies that we've all been told...

In America, people still believe fluoride toothpaste is the best you can get?!?

Yeah, if you want to ruin your teeth and stay dumbed down, get the tube with fluoride!

Don't believe me?

It's only because you haven't looked into it for yourself.

Thinking for yourself isn't what we're all used to, and that's exactly what the CABAL wanted for us...

Who runs the overall education system and makes the "syllabus" for all people on the Earth plane?

You got it!

The same people who took over the medical industry...

That would be the ROTHSCHILDS-&-ROCKEFELLERS... Of, course! (Bill Gates & Mark Zuckerberg are both supposedly related, or they're actually in one of the family bloodlines)

There are 13 families that run things and they're known as the Illuminati | the Deep State | the Cabal | and/or the Globalists...

Now you should be getting the big picture...

And hey, remember your "FLAT-EARTH-BUDS" used to be "GLOBE-TODDS" just like you...

But, make no if's, and's, or but's about it, this is a spiritual war between Good & Evil...

G O D + adding an O = G O O D
E V I L + adding a D = D E V I L

If you don't know anything about any of this, you're probably lost and/or you might be suffering from "Cognitive Dissonance"...

Just snap out of it already, and WAKE-THE-HELL-UP-RIGHT-NOW!!!

The purpose of this deception was/is to make us think that we're all insignificant in the grand scheme of things as we believe we're on a tiny rock hurling through an endless "universe", and to hide the fact that Yahuah, Our Father/Creator and Satan actually exist!

In reality, we are all His children and we are all at the CENTER of His creation...

All praise the most high God, Our Father, Yahuah, who created EVERYTHING...


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