Burglar disarming a gun from home owner | RVFK self-protection

1 year ago

CATEGORY: Burglar | Analysed Content | Explicit content 3 (scale 1-5) - Rated NC-17

See a real GUN DISARM! This video serves as a valuable educational tool for those teaching self-defense and self-protection, which is why I created it.

The video showcases a homeowner who confronts a burglar with a gun but ends up getting disarmed instead. I originally planned to post this video earlier, but the entire project got corrupted.

Without a news article, the following breakdown is solely based on the video itself.

There are only two technical points I will discuss before the video becomes too lengthy:
1 - The approach used by the homeowner towards the burglar.
2 - The real-life gun disarming technique, which resulted in the defender's finger getting broken but serves as a legitimate building block in gun disarming. You can now witness its execution in a real-life scenario.

I will not delve into the legality or the overall strategy involved.

Overall, it was crucial for the homeowner to handle the situation professionally by employing effective communication, maintaining proper distance, and adopting a ready stance. If the burglar manages to escape, it's best to let them go and allow the police to handle the matter instead of taking matters into your own hands and acting as a judge.

Some extra info about the ready stances:
Don't get to close!
• Traditional Low Ready
• Neutral Ready
• Compressed ready
• High Ready
• Sul

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