You must grow the Kingdom (The parable of the talents Matthew 25:14-30)

1 year ago

You must grow the Kingdom (The parable of the talents Matthew 25:14-30)
When I graduated college and entered the work force full time at Marshall University, my boss gave me a piece of advice that I have always held on to. He told me that my job was to make him look good and that if I took that approach at every job I had after that one I would be successful in the workforce. This is so contrary to the way our society looks at things today, but it made perfect sense to me, and it has served me well over my career. If I spend my time making by supervisors look good, then they are going to value me and recognize by efforts but if I spend all my time trying to make my self look good then I am going to step on some toes and hurt some feelings. In the parable of the talents from Matthew 25:14-30 two of three servants understood this concept and they embraced it while one did not and ended up being cut off. The two servants who took what was the masters and multiplied it wasn’t interested in self-preservation they were interested in making their master look good by growing his assets while he was away. This attitude served them well because when the master returned and took account of what they had done, he was very pleased with their efforts and rewarded them mightily for their efforts.
The church needs to wake up and realize that life is not about the image of ourselves we present the world, it is about the image of Christ we present them. Our goal is not to make our self-famous but instead to make the name of Jesus famous. We can seek to grow and multiply our kingdom, or we can take what God has entrusted us with and seek to grow the His Kingdom. So many times, people look at this parable and only focus on the one who buried the talent and totally look over the two individuals who made their master look great. I may be the only one, but I am so tired of the culture that has developed in the modern church that seems like everything that happens is an opportunity to get likes on social media or publicity. We must get out of the building up our palace mentality and get into the building up of God’s Kingdom mentality. We must be willing to roll up our sleeves, do all the hard work, and put in the long hours so that God receives every ounce of the credit, and we are completely overlooked. Our goal must be to make our Boss (God) look good and we really do not care what we look like at long as God is getting the credit that He deserves, and His Kingdom is benefiting from it.

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