Prince Charles , Klaus Schwab 's WEF and their imagined ,,climate crisis"

1 year ago

In a November 2020 address to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, then-Prince Charles proposes getting rid of fossil fuels as a “solution” to the imaginary “climate emergency”:

“We need a shift in our economic model that places the world’s transition to Net Zero at the heart of how we operate.”

Does anyone really believe that Charlie boy will be incurring a drastic reduction in his standard of living and freedom of movement, like the peasant class will inevitably suffer as a result of the insane and totally unnecessary Net Zero policies he’s promoting?

More carbon dioxide is emitted by his private jets, limousines and numerous castles and palaces than you or I could ever hope to emit in even a thousand lifetimes.

But then, none of this is really about reducing carbon emissions or helping the environment. That’s just the cover story for ushering in neo-feudal techno-serfdom, under the banner of ‘The Great Reset’.

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