10 Pillars of Good Health God's Way - May 13th, 2023

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10 Pillars of Good Health

Disclaimer: I’m not giving medical advice.

Name an area that Health doesn’t affect

Motivation gets you started, but Discipline keeps you there

When trying to be balanced, you may appear extreme to most people

Focusing on Productivity over Longevity: We can’t reverse aging, but we can slow it.

WHERE YOU GET YOUR INFO. IS VERY IMPORTANT: God’s Word or a multi-billion $ health industry?

Even organic companies have to look for the cheapest ingredients

People perceive HEALTH as difficult and unfulfilling and making life not as fun.

It’s OK to be uncomfortable now and then — your body can thrive

What goes into your body becomes your body—

Cost versus price

WHY IS WEIGHT LOSS SO CHALLENGING: Everything from convenience and addiction to hormones and a lack of motivation work against us.

WEBBER NATURALS: Leptin is a hormone that helps manage appetite. The word leptin comes from the Greek word leptos, which means “thin.” It is produced by the fat cells in your body and enterocytes in the small intestine, and works by telling your brain how much you have in your fat reserves. Leptin controls your metabolism, hunger, and energy expenditure.

How to Boost Your Leptin Levels?

Aim for Deep Sleep

Sleep deprived is like driving drunk


1] Don’t eat late: When we eat late, it really impacts sleep. Saying no after final meal strengthens willpower next day
2] Avoid stimulants and junk food; they destroy good sleep
3] Turn off electronics and fill your mind with worship or the Word
4] Stick with it
5] Consider using valerian root, 5-HTP, melatonin, etc. now and then.

1. Choose God-given foods in moderation

What diet is best for YOU
Every increase of 5g of fiber per day increases survival by a significant rate
High diversity in our microbiome leads to better health and fiber feeds microbiome. (Fiber is a prebiotic.)
Plants are God's design — from fiber and cancer fighting phytochemicals to antioxidants and vitamins and minerals — plants give life (Genesis 1:29 and Revelation 2:7).

2. Soak in the Sun — get outside and be active

Vitamin D and activity diminishes depression
Sun damage vs. sunscreen damage
Get the early light taking lots of oxygen


3. Use Wisdom — read labels

Even organic, all natural, fat free and no added sugar don’t mean much

GRASS-FED:: All cows are grass-fed at some point in their life.

4. Cut out the 4 biggies: 1] Seductive Sugar 2] Killer Carbs 3] Dirty Meat 4] Refined Oils

1:1 ratio of Omega 3 to 6 is now 15:1 or even 20:1

5. Substitute Rather than Remove

Sugar, for example, wreaks havoc, prevents weight loss, and affects everything from skin to energy lapses.

Banana puree (1 cup = 200 calories)
Real fruit jam (varies depending on fruit)
Monk fruit (0 calories)
Raw honey (1 tablespoon = 64 calories)
Stevia (0 calories)
Dates (1 Medjool date = 66 calories)
Coconut sugar (1 tablespoon = 45 calories)
Maple syrup (1 tablespoon = 52 calories)

© Dr. Axe

6. Simplify Stress

Be practical: balance workload, try not to be too busy, resolve conflict, don’t consume things that increase stress hormones.

7. Don’t Fear Fasting

Fasting helps us not continually cave in
Snacking and insulin
Fasting benefits — too numerous to mention
FREE Books at WCFAV.org

8. Supplements are Not a Magic Pill

How one month supply can last three months,

My top choices:
L-Glutamine. This amino acid aids in muscle growth, immune support, and recovery and fights against inflammation and stress. I also encourage the use of complete and branch chain amino acids as well. They play a major role in healthy hormone levels as well as affect neurotransmitters.
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is another important amino acid that the body uses to produce serotonin. This is critical for deep, healthy sleep and for overcoming depression and anxiety.
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA). WebMD suggests that GABA may boost mood or have a calming, relaxing effect on the nervous system.
Concentrated trace mineral drops. Since our body is severely lacking in these essential nutrients, add a few drops to water throughout the day. Serving-size directions should be on the back of the container. Make sure to drink plenty of clean water throughout the day as well.
Raw whole food multivitamins. Convenience-store vitamins often do not cut it. In this area, we need to purchase good vitamins that are not only absorbed better but also mimic real food. I would also add probiotics and extra vitamin E along with D3 and K2, which are often called the “dynamic duo” for their health benefits. I would also advise increasing vitamin C intake to a minimum of 1000 mg a day. Increase dosage throughout the day to aid in recovery.
Turmeric is a high-powered anti-inflammatory that can help with arthritis and fighting disease. And Resveratrol is an antioxidant that helps fight disease by neutralizing free radicals. It can also lower blood pressure and ease joint pain.
Omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids are all important dietary fats. I also add coconut oil to my diet but try not to consume too much oil. Instead, I eat the source it comes from such as nuts, avocados, and olives.

9. Fall Forward — Fail Forward

Consistent little choices lead to BIG success
The fall doesn’t hurt as much as staying down

10. Relationship not Religion: The glue that holds in together

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