Klee Irwin - Are We Living In A Simulation? - Part 5 - The Self-Simulation Hypothesis

1 year ago

Like and subscribe. This is an archive channel, i'm not the owner of the content, check the link in the end. How might the self-simulation hypothesis interpretation of quantum mechanics impact your life personally? For some, the answer is more flow and optimism. But why?

The mathematics and experiments of quantum mechanics strongly imply that thoughts associated with observations change physicality in both directions of time. But those changed quantum probabilities still live within the set of possible world-line evolutions that conserve momentum and spin angular momentum. This is a fancy way of saying states of thought are generalized interactions or observations of reality that steer the evolution of reality to equally energy efficient – equally probable quantum world lines – as the evolutions of reality that would have occurred if you did not have the thought or observation.

Put differently, what you worry about or are optimistic about can tilt the quantum probabilities for one world line, similar to the many world’s interpretation of QM, to occur vs another. Being optimistic or pessimistic in this physics worldview becomes profoundly causal in determining the probabilities of what actually does occur. But all such probabilities are highest along the many worlds that are energetically efficient. To be energetically efficient as a thinking animal, such as a human, is to be in thermodynamically efficient “flow”, from the particles in your brain governing your thoughts to how you process calories and even how you interact with people and things around you. This model puts more power of agency into the hands of observes but also implies that all observers in the self-simulation should seek to be in energetic, thermodynamic, flow within their own body-mind system and the systems of objects and beings around them and where being pessimistic or optimistic about the outcomes you envision tilts the quantum probabilities in the direction of your anticipated expectation of what will occur in the future.

Are we living in a simulation?

This multi-part series is about the nature of reality. One philosophy to consider is materialism, which is the guess that reality is not made of information at its core but is made of material or matter. The digital physics revolution is the increasingly popular belief among physicists that materialism is a false philosophy and that reality is literally made of information vs being conveniently described by it.

If reality is made of information, two candidates for what its substrate would be include: (1) An emergent universal computer. Or (2) an emergent universal mind. Either one could serve as the substrate to hold and process information.

The series starts with an emphasis on the instability of human civilization in the 21st century and how quickly old scientific and cultural belief systems are changing. It ends with the provocative suggestion that a clearer scientific picture of what reality is could shift humanity off course from its current high potential for apocalypse. Specifically, if the truer picture turns out to be a status quo rejection of the ancient philosophy of materialism, the implication is that it would change how humanity evolves and interacts on this planet going forward.



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