
1 year ago

Most ppl are useless eaters and this world needs a reset .
Scrub 80% of the assholes which would leave us with less tyen 800 million population.

WEF isnt wrong . They just painted us all with the same brush.

To the elitists. Not all of us arw worthless pikes of shit who only consume and destroy.

There is like 10% of us that keep everything in order 10% of us create all the profit for you elitists on the top.

So fuck u karl Schwab and the wef members.
Try do what u did again with vaccines we will hunt every last one of u down.

This world is full of greed.

Ppl only destroy and consume to fulfill their pleasures and desires

Ppl dont give a fuck about the environment or the animals or the water or the pollution. Ppl dont give a fuxk about each other .

Ppl only seek pleasure for themselves at any cost.

This world needs a reset to wipe out 80% of the garbage in society

PS. Wef and leaders . Not all of us who are poor are shit. We are poor bc u all fuxked us.

When the dust settles after 2025. The 10% real warriors are coming for u.

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