1984/12/13 7PM Dumfries shopping mall Virginia, Kung fu jesus, Willie J Dennis, bobby joe blythe 007

1 year ago

at a shopping mall dojo he announced "I just wish to teach you, I don’t wish to hurt you". "I think it would best maybe if perhaps if I just perform which is known in karate as kata." "You can just stand there, do not make any movement whatsoever I will not touch you,"

Bobby Joe Blythe said "We’re all in here for knowledge, aren’t we gentlemen?" "Go ahead and demonstrate around him" & Kung fu guy said Don't do that," "I'm not a fighter" then

Willie J. Dennis beat him bloody & the video ended with Bobby Joe Blythe the instructor showing a trail of blood left on the floor & some time later in daylight the video shows smears of blood where his students "drug him out" the back door at
https://goo.gl/maps/huEQhjZRBxXMDo4f7 or https://goo.gl/maps/nEnBhe2AUswt25YF7
or http://goo.gl/maps/MBKtHxY9Bizhfsha6 = http://goo.gl/maps/wVS2ecKq5Yg7vPur7

he had lived in the woods "near a Napa Auto Parts" at
https://goo.gl/maps/mvPxrsP2fiYMDrc59 or

25 years later bobbyjoeblythe007 posted the video, 01 April 2009 as

This dummy was in my shopping center while I was on a Bodyguard Job in Washington, DC. This guy was in the Pizza Hut eating pizza off the plates of others and the Pizza Hut Manager ran him out with a pistol. Later the very same day, police officers were called to remove him from a nearby pharmacy after having been caught reaching into customers purses. A short time after that, he visited a Napa Auto Parts store next to my Karate Dojo and told the management he planned on teaching in that Dojo and that Jesus taught him. The Napa guys told him he was confused (their polite way of warning the man against such action), but not wanting to miss a show, they told the man they would close early just to watch and that he must not know the owner, which is nobody to play with.
Needless to say, the police pulled him out of the dumpster behind my Karate Dojo where he was neatly placed. Semper Fi to all my Marine brothers. The karate student in the white is also a Marine Sgt. and a brand new Black Belt. Never get stupid with a Marine, you could get jacked up and have your clock stopped.
Category = Sport &Tags= BobbyJoe Blythe Dojo Martial Arts Shindokan Karate Self Defense Combat Fighting Virginia Crazy Jesus
youtube.com/watch?v=w2GP8J ?!?!? = broken link

same dojo is in a Aug 24, 2009 Bobby Joe Blythe youtube video (nRVBi4w-8kY)
the news covered this in at youtube vid (wObjWdQBeA4)
& wayofleastresistance net 2009/08 glimpse-into-heart-of-evil & the vid was
reuploaded to liveleak as youtube mentally challenged man beaten &
reddit r CrazyFuckingVideos comments 114atxm dojo_fight_goes_wrong

liveleak.com/e/e55_1250787987 = bad link?


= most citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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