The Viral Delusion Part 1

1 year ago

how virus are not isolated ..The Viral Delusion indicates that experts are not as all-knowing as everyone thinks. Doctors are too busy to do real research. They also consider the CDC the ultimate source of all truth—“truth” that must not be questioned. Dr. Pam Popper has strong opinions about the gullibility of doctors. To paraphrase, she says that if the CDC were to recommend inserting a two-by-four up one’s backside sideways for good health, lumber sales would skyrocket.

Education has been replaced by indoctrina­tion. We live in a world that has been overwhelmed by fake food, fake health care, fake science, fake history and fake news. This has left the population intellectually, morally and spiritually too weak and bankrupt to face the truth. The medical industry is not about health. It is about money.

There are four more episodes in this series, which scrutinize measles, HIV/AIDS, the Black Death and the history of medical mythology in general. Those episodes will be reviewed in the next issue. The thumb is certainly UP for this video.

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