Demonized by mainstream, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni could reshuffle politics

1 year ago

Next Sunday, Giorgia Meloni, on September 25, is set to become the first Italian female Prime Minister.

The European globalist establishment is in a panic, as their victory could well be the beginning of a conservative revolution on an exhausted continent lurching from one drama to the next due to massive leadership failures of prevailing progressive forces.

The coalition of right-wing parties (Coalizione Destra), consisting of Fratelli d’Italia (Giorgia Meloni), Lega (Matteo Salvini), Forza Italia (Silvio Berlusconi), Noi (Mauricio Lupi) and Coraggio (Luigi Brugnaro), has almost 50 percent of the vote.

Enrico Letta and his few allies (Carlo Calenda and Luigi Di Maio) do not reach these numbers.

According to the agreement reached by the right-wing parties, whoever receives the most individual votes in the election will become the new prime minister.

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