Miles Guo, Yvette Wang, and Brother Caogen will come back!

1 year ago

05/10/2023【HappyBirthdayToMilesGuo】Lao Banzhang: We are already prepared for being imprisoned. As a revolutionary and a fighter, it will be a great honor to undergo such an experience. We firmly believe that Miles Guo, Yvette Wang, Brother Caogen, and all of us have committed no wrongdoings or crimes. Any attempt to frame us is baseless. As long as justice still exists and humankind has a future, we have faith that mistreatment and injustice will not endure for long. Mr. Miles Guo, Yvette Wang, and Brother Caogen will come back! #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/10/2023【遥祝七哥生日快乐】老班长:我们每个人都做好了被关押的准备。对于一个革命者和战士来说,这是无尚的光荣。我们都深信,因为我们没有做过任何错事和坏事,任何的构陷、栽赃陷害都是不可能得逞的。只要我们坚信正义还存在,只要人类还有未来,他们一定不会这么被冤枉下去的。七哥、雁平、草根小哥一定会回来的! #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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